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  • #61467
    Post count: 4


    I’m trying to figure out how to organise my categories but can’t seem to assign them to pages in the way that I’d need.

    For example, on my site I want our customers to be able to pick their model first then be lead to a standard product listing page.

    IE. there are 6 models that each have their own product pages that then have standard subcategories (dresses, outerwear, tops, etc) within them. The way I’ve been trying to organise it is to have each of the models as their own category (the parent category) and the clothing items as subcategories under each one.

    When you arrive at my page I would like to be able to link to each of the parent categories but without having the landing page as a standard product catalog.

    I’m only just starting to build my website so none of it is live.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    In woocommerce settings under the product tab, you can set your shop page to show categories instead of products.

    – Kyle

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