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  • #125757
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Great 🙂

    Post count: 29

    Hi. sorry to reopen this issue.
    but I keep getting errors on the upload of the new version I downloaded from drop box.

    I am also still receiving this error.
    Your theme has bundled outdated copies of WooCommerce template files – if you encounter functionality issues on the frontend this could be the reason. Ensure you update or remove them (in general we recommend only bundling the template files you actually need to customize). See the system report for full details.

    I’m running Woo commerce.v4 and WP Neighborhood child theme v1.0 (appearance/theme details/)

    I updated the word press file:

    I noticed that I am using a Child theme. Maybe this is why I am experiencing add to cart details?
    you can see here that the add to card text does not appear on Products.
    Thanks again for any help would be great to get this up asap.

    Post count: 29

    Hi – update.

    I have managed to update the Theme to the current Version (suggested in earlier post).

    the add to card text is still not appearing on my Product items in my laptop browser. Mobile and tab devices are ok.

    Please help.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem.

    Post count: 29

    Hi guys.
    I hate to be a bother but I think there is a little misunderstanding. Not to be a pain in the A’ but I am still having a problem with my Add to shopping cart’ not appearing on pages.

    if you look at this page on a laptop or desktop the ‘Add to cart’ does not appear……That said I do see it on my mobile devices.
    The Shop all page (assigned shop page) has also go the text. It is just seems to be missing on the shop pages I built using the products widgets.

    I was hoping to launch my site for the Web Summit that is happening in Ireland. … and ending tomorrow….tis a big event a not to be missed in terms for my art and promotion. Any idea how I can have the ‘Add to cart’ text work fluidly across all platforms or what the problem might be

    any help is really greatly appreciated.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It seems that you have some errors in the Javascript console that could be breaking the loading of some scripts. They seem to be related with NextGen gallery.

    Try to deactivate that plugin and clear the cache.


    Post count: 29

    hey Rui. thanks but no joy sadly . Cleared cache and restarted and still no luck.
    All next gen plugins were deactivated.
    Have been checking firefox and Chrome.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Add the code below to the custom css option.

    .products-mini ul.products li.product figure figcaption {
    display: block!important;


    Post count: 29

    hey Rui.

    That did it!
    tahnksyou sir!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


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