New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Cardinal / Woocommerce – Check out no message

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #123767
    Post count: 28

    When going trough the order process with Woocommerce everything works fine, but when sending the order only a blank checkout page is displayed, no message – nothing. Should there be a message / custom text? How can this be displayed / activated.
    Thanks for your help

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Try to increase the memory allotted to PHP,

    Some other links to alter the memory:

    Let us know,


    Post count: 28

    Thanks for your reply.
    PHP Memory is already set to 256MB

    I have seen that after the latest WPML update a woocomerce related WPML Taxonomy is not solved – this could be related to the checkout – see attached picture / screenshot from the WPML Area

    The shop_order_status could have an influence.

    Thanks for your help solving this

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    Post count: 28

    I’ve checked now several options including different standard templates.
    With other templates the checkout procedure works fine, with all languages.

    With Cardinal the basket works find, order can be processed but then the site freezes when the confirmation of the checkout should be shown. The Site design still appears but the menu options like mega menu, wish list are frozen. Hope this helps as a hint to solve the problem.

    Should I Upgrade Woocomerce to 2.2 ? for now still running 2.1.12 ?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    If you are using 2.1.12 that should be the reason because Cardinal 1.91 was updated to be compatible with the latest Woocommerce version.

    Just update Woocommerce, clear the cache and try again.

    Let us know if it worked.


    Post count: 28

    Looks like it worked! I’ll run afull test later today, our local internet is down 🙁

    Do you recommend already using WordPress 4.0 with Cardinal 1.91?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Yes you should always use the latest WordPress version for several reasons(functionalities and security).

    We have no related problems because of the WordPress 4.0


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