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Hi Rui,
That seems to have solved the front-end issues.
As you said though, still issues on the admin editor to be solved; the ones that were highlighted in the video above.
Great. I’m working on it right now. -Rui
Replace the page-builder.js that is located in the following location.
Clear the browser cache.
If it’s everything ok, will send the files to Ed to update the next Cardinal version.
Thanks again for the feedback.
Just did a quick check on my laptop and that seems to have solved it.
Ill double check on my desktop/large monitor in the morning to confirm.
Just tested on my desktop and seems to be working fine.
Great, thanks Rui
– Kyle
Ok Thanks. Will send the changed files to Ed.
Were the modified/fixed pagebuilder.js, tabs.php and tour.php files incorporated into v1.91?
Doesn’t seem so from my initial testing unfortunately.
I Will check with Ed.
These will be in v1.92 along with a few other fixes.
– Ed
Ok thanks.
No problem
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