New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Cardinal scripts are not closing the MySQL connection

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #287114

    This is the issue i am facing according to my Host (iPage):

    Currently, the website redirects to installation page . This is because, the related database – ‘wordpress_5f221h3d1d’ – has exceeded query limits. This can be seen in the test script which loads following error :

    User ‘r9cmyAZOXw5y7UV’ has exceeded the ‘max_questions’ resource (current value: 75000)

    The above mentioned error occurs when the user ‘r9cmyAZOXw5y7UV’ of the specified database exceeds the hourly query limit that’s set for username of a database. The hourly query limit is 75000. If this query limit is exceeded, then the WordPress website redirect to installation page. This setting is in place to ensure that the MySQL database cannot be overloaded with to many query requests.

    It appears that, the script(s) related to theme ‘Cardinal ‘ are not closing the MySQL connection after accessing the database and thus causing the query limit to exceed. Unfortunately, we can’t say which exact script(s) is/are causing the issue. Please contact your website developer and or vendor/developer of the theme ‘Cardinal ‘ and have them make sure that the script(s) of your website’s plugins/themes/widgets close the MySQL connection properly and are optimized so that they don’t cause the query limits to be exceeded.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please can you disable all plugins leaving only Swift Framework and WooCommerce active. Please then re-test, the above error is almost certainly caused by a 3rd party plugin.

    – Who are you hosting with? I’d suggest you consider switching hosting providers also.


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