New Landing How can we help? Cardinal cardinal row full width issue

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #304603
    Post count: 30

    hi Rui,

    sorry, I’ve not been able to replicate your result. Have updated framework and theme, disabled Zoho and other plugins, and set first graphic row (screenshot to full width stretched but it still shows padding. What am I doing wrong? You still have an active login,…
    Striking detail: if you look at the first text row I can set it to full width stretched and it does stretch because the text is cut off on the left side. But above it still shows a layer of padding… Strange!


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    It’s looking fine to me, probably it’s just the cache of the browser.
    Clear the cache and try in a different browser if necessary.


    Post count: 30

    correct, apologies, caches can be tricky ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Can I ask you a final question on this topic in general? I’ve understood that recent changes on the Cardinal theme have switched off padding that before existed throughout the site. No worries as long as we know and understand that. We can always work in rows, and switch to “standard-wrapped” design on a row per row level.
    But that’s a lot of work for existing sites. So here are 3 practical questions:

    1 can we add padding throughout the site using css? what’s the syntax for that?

    2 can we use an extra class in css creating an exception to the generalized padding introduced in this way? This would allow to define a class “row2” which has no padding creating an exception to the first rule “padding throughout”. Because as you saw our design for Sigasi involves padding for text rows, and full width for color or image rows.
    if possible : what’s the right way to define this extra class in css?

    3 can we set all rows to “standard-wrapped” (or full-stretched) using just one switch? I know it’s not in the theme options but also using css could that be done?

    By the way we created this design before using just the standards of the Cardinal theme as it was like a year ago… It might be nice if your design team could keep in mind how their changes affect existing installs. My client says “I want my old design back, that’s what I ordered” so now I’m obliged to do extra work which is probably not going to be paid. Not your fault but I thought you might want to know ๐Ÿ˜‰

    — thx, Kurt

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    I understand, but this structural change was necessary to improve the current functionalities of the rows and columns giving more tools to the designers build their sites.

    Will have to forward to our head developer to see if there is some magic css for your request.


    Post count: 30

    OK Rui.

    Just crossed your answer with an edit of my previous questions.

    Anyway thanks a lot for your help and if there is some CSS magic, I’ll be happy to hear from you again ๐Ÿ˜‰

    — kurt

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    no problem. Let’s wait for the reply.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    The best way to go about that would be to use extra classes with various setups, based on what you need – that way you can use the classes as you go based on what you need to do with that row. An extra class will give you full control over the row’s css unique to rows with that extra class, so would be what you are looking for as long as I understand you correctly.

    Unfortunately there is no universal switch, you’d need to edit the swift framework plugin code.


    – Ed

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