New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Cardinal Issues Multilingual with Wishlist

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #130223
    Post count: 28

    I’m having issues using the Wishlist plugin in a multilingual environment.
    Cardinal, WordPress and all plugins are running in the latest version.

    I hope you can help me with the following issues:

    A:// The Wishlist Plugin somehow seems not to work properly with multilingual WPML. German ist the first language of the site, when beeing in the 2nd language / French / and you want to access the Wishlist it redirects you to the german Wishlist Page. The French whishlist page exists and appears if you switch the language manually back to french.

    B:// When selecting the option to add an article from the wishlist to the basked the redirect to the basket is not working properly, a blank page appears, if you manually force the reload then the basket site appears

    C:// Within the woocommerce backend the Wishlist options can be changed under the Woocommerce tab. Some texts can be added like the title of the Wish list – These text can be translated nowhere in WPML

    Thanks a lot for you support


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding A, that url is returned when using the function
    $yith_wcwl->get_wishlist_url() that is part of Wishlist plugin.

    In the admin if you change the language to Deutsch and change the Whislist page in Woocomerce to Wunschlistem, will have similar behavior because the link stay always in Deutsch.

    Regarding B, I managed to replicate but like in A it’s better to contact Whislist plugin support and WPML support because this is not related to our theme.

    Regardinc #C you should use String translation plugin to translate the entered string in the title of the wishlist.

    Hope it helps

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