New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Cardial inner page background on full screen layout

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #320877
    Post count: 1

    Hi i am developing a new website in cardinal.
    Not using a boxed layout since i want the top menu bar on all width of the screen.
    For the intro i need a logo and a button that must stay in specific position respect the background.
    So with swift slider and others this in not enough customizable.
    So i tried by doing a single page with a background image in “cover” mode and contents inside the page.
    but the inner background is not transparent in any way. It always has an image that you put on it or a color.
    the control on page color options (transparent) don’t affect it but anyway it should be so fo all pages and i need it only on a single page. I solved it in a bad way putting after a logo a spacer width 1700px about so the pages contents are not cutted and putting the image in the inner background but this is mot right as you understand.
    I want use this only in one page, i need the inner background transparent for this page alone letting me to see in full page layout (not boxed) the background below, not the inner one that must be transparent.
    The reason is the the browser window will resize ti the background and not the inner background, letting in tho other case the content sliding away if you move the mouse. What i can do?
    please explain to me where i need to put custom code since I am not a programmer.
    I suppose that inner background is a substitute for the main background and in full wide can’t be transparent
    Thank you.
    Thank you a lot.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Your thread is not overly clear in describe in simple terms what you are wanting to achieve, maybe provide a mockup image?

    Have you tested using the Page Builder Rows to build the page content. You can set the background colors for each row as required.

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