New Landing How can we help? Atelier Can't work out how to create mega menu with thumbnails

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #325657
    Post count: 73

    Hiya, I’d like to create a menu with thumbnails, like the one on the main demo when you hover over ‘demos’ (see screenshot) but I can’t for the life of me work out how. I’ve followed instructions and just added html like in the documentation but having no luck.

    Do you have instructions for this?


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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you provide me admin access so I can create you an example so you can go from there?

    Use the private reply.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    You can see here the settings we are using.

    This is the content of the 2nd screenshot

    <a href="/alvar-demo/"><img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-14657" src="" alt="alvar-demo" width="300" height="230" /></a>
    <h5 style="text-align: center;"><a href="/alvar-demo/" target="_blank">Alvar EDD</a></h5>

    Hope it helps.


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