I’m installing this theme but I can’t seem to generate a view that looks anything like the demo content. The instructions say:
Both the theme content and theme options have been provided so that you can set up the theme to look exactly like the demo in a few minutes. You can find the main demo XML file, along with the demo content XML files for each of the example sites in the main download folder.
I do not see any “demo content xml files” in the download folder, and what are the “example sites”? In the demo content folder there are only background images and the revolution slider demo. Similarly, it says in the install instructions:
Once you have imported the demo content XML, you will still need to set the home page by going to Settings > Reading, and under “Front page displays” select “A static page” and then select the one of the Home examples for the front page.
There are no home examples to select from… how do I populate this dropdown?
My initial site looks nothing like the demo, and I feel like I’m missing something. I followed the instructions carefully, and I’ve built several wp sites before and never had much trouble. If any help can be provided towards recreating the demo I would greatly appreciate it.