New Landing How can we help? Atelier Can't preview customizations

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #317386
    Post count: 13

    I just bought the Atelier theme. I uploaded it to WordPress and then imported a demo, but I can’t customize the demo. It doesn’t show my site properties or any other customizations. All it shows are my products. Also, hundreds of demo pictures have been imported in my media files, as well as tons of comments. How do I get rid of all that and customize my theme. I had to activate a maintenance plugin as my site can’t be seen as is right now. When I tried to revert back to my previous theme, all the text was jumbled. Please help!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The page builder seems to be disabled. Enable it so you can use the Swift page builder to build the content.

    If you imported the demo content it’s normal that he added all that data(comments, images, products, etc). I saw that you already deleted most part of that demo content.


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