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  • #31602
    Post count: 3

    How do I install revolution slider?

    It is not showing up as a plugin in WordPress. I thought I might find it as a zip file in my Neighborhood download but don’t have any zip folder for it there either.


    Post count: 57

    Hi jhacker87,

    First of all, let me tell you that I am not from the support, I am a customer just like you, thought I could be of some help.

    you can find the revolution slider on the side panel of wordpress admin menu. When you are logged in as an admin, in the backend, On your left side you will find Appearance tab, click/hover on it, You will find the Install plugin options as the last one down at the bottom.

    Click on Install Plugin > Revolution Slider > Hover on it > it gives the option to install.

    If its not there, then you can find it in the Neighborhood wordpress installation zip file (which you can always download from your account on themeforest). Only the wordpress installation zip file and not the entire stuff.
    Unzip the package > go to the neighborhood folder > Includes folder > Plugins folder > > upload the package as zip into the plugins, and there u go.

    If its not there on either of the location, then I think you have to redownload the stuff.


    Post count: 3


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Thanks for your input @celeteweitz – we really appreciate it!

    – Ed

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