Hi, I need to change the link to Checkout in my mini cart. Right now it links to “checkout-2” for some reason. I want it set to “klarna-checkout” (see image). It’s weird because I tried hard code the file sf-woocommerce.php, this line:
<a class="sf-roll-button checkout-button" href="<?php echo esc_url( $woocommerce->cart->get_checkout_url() ); ?>"><span><?php _e('Proceed to checkout', 'swiftframework'); ?></span><span><?php _e('Proceed to checkout', 'swiftframework'); ?></span></a>
To this:
<a class="sf-roll-button checkout-button" href="http://www.bilvardsexperten.se/klarna-checkout"><span><?php _e('Proceed to checkout', 'swiftframework'); ?></span><span><?php _e('Proceed to checkout', 'swiftframework'); ?></span></a>
But nothing happened.
Can you see what I need to check?
Also, I have another question. How do I add a link to the blog submission? Like a “Read More” button underneath the latest blog for example? You can see it on the front page.
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