New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Nota Can't activate Header 5 – menu under logo align left (it still shows header 3)

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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #325090
    Post count: 2

    Hi there,

    I want to use header 5 template, but I can’t get anything else than header 3. They are similar, but header 5 has menu right under the logo (align left) compare to header 3 which has menu under the logo, but align center.

    I would like header 5, but if you see at my site, it still is centered.

    Can you help, please, it’s not supposed to be difficult to do that :-/


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Justine,

    That is the Max Mega Menu causing it, you can deactivate it or override using this. I have added this to your Theme Options => Custom CSS to help you out for now:

    .header-5 #mega-menu-wrap-main_navigation #mega-menu-main_navigation {
    	text-align: left;

    I’ll add this CSS to the next release so you do not experience this happening again.

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