New Landing How can we help? Atelier Buttons social networks

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #202052
    Post count: 39

    Hi, how to change the share buttons on the product page? Need other social networks.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You will need to edit wp-content/plugins/swift-framework/includes/shortcodes/sf-shortcodes.php and find this on line 1444:

    } else {
                        $share_output .= '<div class="sf-share-counts">';         
                        $share_output .= '<h3 class="share-text">'.__("Share", 'swift-framework-plugin').'</h3>';
                        $share_output .= '<a href="'.$page_permalink.'&height=640&width=660&resizable=0&toolbar=0&menubar=0&status=0&location=0&scrollbars=0" class="sf-share-link sf-share-fb"><i class="fa-facebook"></i><span class="count">0</span></a>';
                        $share_output .= '<a href="'.$page_title.'&url='.$page_permalink.'&height=640&width=660&resizable=0&toolbar=0&menubar=0&status=0&location=0&scrollbars=0" class="sf-share-link sf-share-twit"><i class="fa-twitter"></i><span class="count">0</span></a>';
                        $share_output .= '<a href="'.$page_permalink.'&media='.$page_thumb_url.'&description='.$page_title.'&height=640&width=660&resizable=0&toolbar=0&menubar=0&status=0&location=0&scrollbars=0" class="sf-share-link sf-share-pin"><i class="fa-pinterest"></i><span class="count">0</span></a>';
                        $share_output .= '</div>';

    – Kyle

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