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  • #75087
    Post count: 102

    So here I am again, stuck again.

    I’m trying to build the main shop page. I want it to be tied to a button on the main nav bar. So when I click the button I will get in to the start area of the shop, where all products are listed and on the left there’s a sidebar with categories.

    I’ve tried the page builder but I can’t really find what things to use, nor how I tie it to the button.

    I guess I have to create one page for each category, and one page for each product. But first I kind of need the start page.

    Thanks in advance, I’m a beginner so the stupid questions will keep coming ๐Ÿ˜€

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You need to create a blank page called shop, then go to WooCommerce settings, click the product tab and set your product page to ‘shop’ and it will automatically add the products for you

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    For some reason that didn’t work. I created a blank page called ‘Handla’ (Swedish for shop). Didn’t put anything in it, just named it.

    Went to WooCommerce settings: Product Archive / Shop Page > Handla.

    I also created a new main menu, added a Home button and the ‘Handla’ page to the main menu. When I click it I get nothing but: URL not found.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Please could you provide me with a login so I can check? If you’re getting 404 not found you might want to check your permalinks and site url

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    I’m building the site local on my computer right now with WAMP server. I’ll see if I can find something in the permalinks though.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok well it will be something in your setup

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    I changed the permalinks to default and it worked, thanks Kyle!

    Do you want me to put this to resolved or keep it open? I’m sure there are more questions from me shortly ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    If you have more questions please open a new thread ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Kyle

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