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  • #82920
    Post count: 80

    these are the issues i encountered. please assist to resolve. webiste:

    flexslider issue
    1. after selecting the last image gallery, the selection/variation will fail to work properly. if i choose a different variation, the imagery did not change, including “clear selection”, did not go back to default.

    2. why is that after i made a selection from the variation, the first image of the gallery is no longer clickable? its only after i clear the selection, i am able to do.

    3. google chrome – page 2 of product search “Japan”, masonary got messed up. please see attached.
    padding issue not yet resolved. when view in mobile, in landscape view, the padding is not padded fully for “Add to shopping bag”

    Post count: 80

    hi, i have one more issue.

    video no longer show in product search masonry. please see attached.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please could you provide me with a login so that I can get passed the maintenance page?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 80
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    Post count: 80

    this is an update on issue #3 from the list above. image is not showing from the masonry search. please see attached.

    the rest of issue 1 & 2 is still outstanding even after upgrade to 1.8. this also happen with rest of the browser like firefox.

    Post count: 80

    view from chrome browser…

    Post count: 80

    from the attachment above, there are issues, ie. the video output is missing resulting in big blank space below the product image, and one listing got chopped off.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I don’t see this page anywhere on your site?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 80

    hi, this is the link:

    try it on google chrome.

    Post count: 80

    hi, just pasting the above url does not have the effect of listing being chopped off. you have to manually type the search keyword “japan” on the search button.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Tony,

    1) What version of the theme are you using?

    2) When you change the variation, this changes the first image in the gallery – this is WooCommerce functionality, not the theme.

    3) I’ve got a feeling that this is due to the speed of your hosting – it’s incredibly slow! Can you try installing WP Super Cache to speed it up a little?

    – Ed

    Post count: 80

    1. 1.8
    2. installed the cache. google chrome and safari both have this issue. firefox is okay. also the video is missing in the masonry.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Can you provide a link to a variable product, and steps to replicate.

    3) Given that it seems your images are loading incredibly slowly, I’d recommend trying to set Theme Options > Archive/Category Options display type to something other than masonry.

    – Ed

    Post count: 80

    1. please type the url: & see attached for the steps.
    2. i took the advice and the display look better anyway.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Just fixed this – thanks for pointing it out, it will be in the next update. Send me an email via: if you need it sooner.

    – Ed

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