New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Browser compatibility

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #174733
    Post count: 34


    I have two issues that are negatively affecting the compatibility of my website (built with Flexform regularly updated) with all browsers, all versions:

    1. The DIV SRC attribute is a Netscape extension only supported by Netscape 4.x (critical issue)

    2. Scoped stylesheets are only supported in Firefox 21 or later (major issue).

    There are some other issues concerning IE7/8 (or erlier) and Safari 5 (or erlier), but these two are really bad: all browsers, even their current versions. They seem related to the Theme. What should I do?

    Fyi I am using this tool:

    Looking forward to your help.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    The developer of theme will assist you shortly.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @rosanna

    Do you see any issues on the demo site?

    1) This isn’t part of the theme, likely a plugin.

    2) The scoped stylesheet is likely part of a plugin (Revolution Slider) – the theme itself doesn’t have any scoped stylesheets.

    We only support IE8 and above, and Safari 6. Safari 5 was a very unstable browser version.

    – Ed

    Post count: 34

    Hello Ed,

    Thank you for your support. Your suspicion was right: it is revolution slider! When I deactivate it, the two bad issues (at least according to the tool I have used) do disappear. The minor ones stay, but I know that you clearly stated browser-versions compatibility, so no claims.

    Only one question. You are posting in the Flexform Forum also updates for Master Slider and LayerSlider plugins, even if they come from Cardinal:
    – could I use them with Flexform (I have not installed yet), and
    – which one would you reccomend?

    All the best,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Rosanna

    Unfortunately those plugins aren’t included with Flexform – you would need to purchase a license for those from CodeCanyon.

    – Ed

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