New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Broken Layerslider

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #73715
    Post count: 71


    Kyle was helping me with a few issues here
    and somehow I managed to break the layerslider ..

    Of the three demo sliders that came with your themeforest download, only the one works now.
    From the Layerslider page I deleted one of the malfuntioning sliders and tried to reupload the .json file, but it won’t reupload. I have checked on my server and in the uploads folder all the files from that demo slider are still there. But it doesn’t show in the layerslider admin page.

    The slider was fine when I started working on the issues in the above thread, but no longer works for some reason.

    The 3rd demo slider is still installed and does still work.

    When loading the page everthing loads except the slider upon which it hangs on “transfering data from”

    appears to be working on the mobile site – when I first noticed the problem it wasn’t working on the mobile site either although I haven’t done anything between then and now.

    I don’t see an “uninstall plugin” option in the plugins page. I want to reinstall the whole plugin, included all the 3 uploaded demo themes and see if that fixes it. How do I do that?
    Any other ideas?

    Thanks guys 🙂

    Post count: 71

    So on the 8th this problem started. 9th it persisted. Today it’s working. I haven’t made any adjustments on the site in that time at all. Very strange. Still can’t upload that 3rd demo theme though.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey, by third demo theme you are referring to a layer slider layout? What kind of errors do you get upon uploading?

    Can you attach your login details via a private reply so we can debug?

    All the best

    Post count: 9

    how was this resolved? I have the same thing happening, where the page doesn’t load and gets hung up on “transfering data from”

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441


    – Please provide me specific page url with issue to check and resolve the issue easily.
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards

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