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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #136906
    Post count: 25

    I try to find a way to control the opacity of the background color of a boxed content. Is there any way to do that today or is that something for the future of Dante?
    This would especially helpful in combination with a Parallax background image, if a boxed content would be possible at all for that. The attached screenshot shows what I mean.

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    Post count: 25

    Well, I’ve found the solution to my first question myself. I added a class to the box an then added this custom CSS

    .transbox {
    opacity: 0.6;

    However, I don’t know how to do this in combination with a Parallax image. There is no shortcode for a boxed content in the shortcode pulldown.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You can use a Row asset for your parallax background, and then add a boxed content asset inside the row 🙂

    – Kyle

    Post count: 25

    I’m sorry, but what is a Row asset. I wasn’t able to find anything in the documentation. This my first site with Dante, so if you explain or stir me in the right direction, please.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Row asset is the element of Swift Page builder within the post/page content editor. Hope you will get it easily now.

    Post count: 25

    Well, maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see an asset ROW in the elements selection in the content editor (pls. see screen shot). I’ve searched the theme up and down and feel kind of stupid right now 🙁

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Sorry, it’s under the layout tab along with columns

    – Kyle

    Post count: 25

    Ohh, got it. I never even looked at that button in the editor. And in general it works. However, what is the best way to control the positioning of the text box in relation to the background image in the parallax element? I’d like to have it right in the middle and then move up when scrolling.
    I tried with 1/4 1/2 1/4 content boxes, but they appear at the top. And I have to style the 1/4 differently than the 1/2 because the 1/4 should be invisible.

    Another question is what is the difference between having a ROW-Parallax and just the Parallax element. When do you use the Layout elements vs. the Element assets?
    I couldn’t find anything about the Layout in the documentation.

    Thanks for your help

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    If you want a narrow box in the centre of your Row then add blank spacers at either side of your text blocks rather than other text blocks.

    The Row is a new element that we added to Dante, it removes the need for the parallax asset, you would never need to use the parallax asset over a row. The only reason we didn’t not remove the parallax asset from the theme is because it would of broke people’s sites who were using it.

    Hope this makes sense

    – Kyle

    Post count: 25

    Thanks Kyle. Why didn’t I think of the spacer element??
    I think I’m alright now. I got the transparent box over the parallax working the way I want it.
    I’m closing this up.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    We are glad that your issue resolved. Thanks Kyle.
    Happy New Year 2015

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