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  • #180450
    Post count: 313

    Sorry – I’m a newbie with building a blog and I have two questions.

    1. Please see screenshot. I can’t figure out how to get an image in the place for the thumbnail to be used as the thumbnail image. And where does that actually get used? I see the featured image being used in some places, but in other places there is no image at all.

    2. In other places, such as the main blog page, or on a blog carousel, there is no image, but I would like to see one. Is that where that thumbnail would be used? Please tell me how to get it uploaded. Thank you.

    3. No excerpt whatsoever is showing up on the blog page or post carousel even though I have set it to be there. On the actual post page, I did not create a custom excerpt, but it says you only need to do that if you don’t want the default, which should have been created. Where is it?

    Thank you!

    Post count: 313

    Oops. Here is the screenshot.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1 & 2) In your screenshot it looks like that image is blank, you need to delete that and set your own image for the thumbnail

    3) Have you enabled the excerpt in the blog asset? If so, make sure you have set a custom excerpt in the post meta options (if you’re using the page builder)

    – Kyle

    Post count: 313

    Thank you!

    I didn’t know enough to even realize there was a blank image there. Deleted and re-uploaded and it worked like a charm.

    Also didn’t realize I had to place a custom excerpt in the blog page.

    Now I’m all set. Thank you so much!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem 🙂

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