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  • #219812
    Post count: 313

    1. This is probably a dumb question, and I wish it was in the documentation so I wouldn’t have to bother you with it, but please tell me exactly what width a featured blog post image should be in order for it to align with the rest of the page on both sides. I can’t seem to get it aligned with the left side of the page. Only the right. I’ve experimented with several image sizes and they all look the same.


    2. Also, can you please tell me how to get rid of the lines in the titles on the side bars? I have used this code for other parts of the site but they still appear in the side bar. Thank you.

    h4.spb_heading:before, h4.lined-heading:before {
    border-style: none;

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Hi, sure no problem:


    It looks like you may have some custom CSS already changing that? It will need to be updated to this:

    .single-post {
        max-width: 1170px !important;
        margin: 0 auto;


    Please add this:

    .sidebar .widget-heading h4:before { display: none; }


    Post count: 313

    1. Thank you, David. This called attention to some code that you found in my custom code, which was given me to Mohammed in this thread. (Which was a fix for something that did not work properly right off the bat the very first time I tried to create a blog post.)

    blog page – 2 sidebars, right sidebar is below content – no room?

    This issue of having to fix things to make the theme work right is what I have been complaining about in another one of my threads. It feels like it seems to be necessary to add patches to make things work, and then those patches end up becoming a problem later on. I really want to keep my child theme clean and not have so many patches. (I recently dumped my original child theme and started over completely, in order to get rid of all that extra code.)

    It would be nice if, for example, there was a line in your documentation that says something like, “to include blog post featured image, create an image that is 1170px wide“. And when you do that, it would be nice if it aligned with the rest of the content in the page.

    What I want to know is why I need any of those lines of code at all? I tried taking them all away, but still found that it is necessary to use:

    margin: 50px auto;

    Or else the image is shifted to the right. Why? If the correct size is 1170 px (which is what my image is), why does it shift to the right by default? Why should I have to “fix” that? The theme should work right from the beginning. (Shouldn’t it? Am I missing something?)

    (Also, your suggestion of
    margin: 0 auto;
    jams the content vertically to the image, which looks too crowded, so I changed it to margin: 50px auto;)

    Sorry to vent. I’m just frustrated from having to add so many patches for various things that should work from the beginning. Or if it doesn’t work because of code I have included, it’s frustrating when it’s code that I actually got from your support team.

    2. Thank you! That was exactly the code I needed. (I don’t mind adding this sort of code because this is an instance where I am intentionally customizing something. It’s only patches that I mind.)

    I do appreciate your help very much. I really do! 🙂

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834



    Everything should be working out the box as long as the image uploaded is initially wide enough.

    Being that you are uploading an image that is 1170px in width this should not be a problem – which possibly means past CSS tweaks have changed the behaviour.

    Take a look at our various blog demo’s for reference:

    Thanks for the feedback on the documentation, I’ll add this to our todo list so we can include some blog image sizing reference.

    2) No problem!


    Post count: 313

    1. I’ve seen that page but I’m not sure exactly what you are wanting me to get from it. I do understand that past css tweaks could be a problem, which is exactly why I literally deleted my child theme and started a new one. The only tweaks I have in there now (except for code given to me by your team) is stuff like font color, size, getting rid of the horizontal lines in titles, things like that. No major changes.

    My goal is to not have any tweaks or patches whatsoever, because I’m just so tired of things not working.

    As far as I know, this is the only other “tweak”, and again, it’s because things don’t work properly without it.

    /***to prevent right sidebar from dropping down on post page***/
    .single-post .sidebar.right-sidebar {
    margin: 0px !important; float: right;

    Anyway, thanks for your help.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem,I added the blog link so you can see the various image sizes/layout we use, can be useful for reference in the future.

    Is your theme fully updated also?


    Post count: 313

    Thank you. I appreciate it.

    Yep, the theme is up-to-date. 🙂

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem, I cannot replicate this issue so seeming it must be relating to past modifications.
    – David.

    Post count: 313

    I don’t get it. I have gone through and cleaned up old code that was given to me by the Swift Ideas support team for past problems, and the only thing left is code I believe I understand and shouldn’t affect it, but obviously there is something. 🙁

    Oh well…

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Have you got a dev environment setup or a localhost install, you can ask you host to clone your site and provide you with a dev/staging version of the site for testing?

    We can then run a fresh install and take a look.

    – David.

    Post count: 313

    Yeah, that’s where I test everything. I do have a test environment.

    I even commented out the custom css in theme options, then activated the parent theme, and the problem is still there. It seems to absolutely need “auto” to eliminate the 1170 px image from being shifted to the right, instead of aligning with the blog content.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Can you send me the original image you are uploading for that? I’ll need to test this on my dev version also.


    Post count: 313
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hey, can you zip up and send me the file? I need it before it is processed by WP.


    Post count: 313
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