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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #148143
    Post count: 15

    The sidebar for the blog page seems to default to sidebar 1. I have now created a sidebar specific for the blog main page, which is now sidebar 2. I have gone in to the Blog page meta and put right sidebar>sidebar two, but it is not overriding what appear to be system settings. Sidebar 1 is used in every blog post (100 and counting), and I would prefer not to have to go in and change every blog post to a different sidebar just so that the blog main page can occupy sidebar 1.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Go to Settings > Reading, if you have the blog page set as your posts page you need to remove it as that will force the archive layout and settings.

    Once you’ve done that sidebar 2 should show

    – Kyle

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