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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #102846
    Post count: 5


    1) I would like to reduce the gap between blog posts. Is there a simple css line I can enter to do this?
    As you can see I am just showing the ‘featured image’ and none of the meta or text.

    2) I would like the blog page to show the featured images at 800px wide. Thought this would work via the ‘standard-narrow’ option for the blog that I saw here: – doesnt seem to be an option though.



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    Post count: 5

    3) When I use the ‘tabs’ section I have a problem. I have 5 different tabs with a masonry gallery in each. The first tab loads fine but the others only show a thin sliver? I know this probably isnt the best way to show the galleries but it seems its the only way to get what I would like.
    If you scroll down to the samples gallery here you will see what I am trying to achieve –

    Thanks again

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you provide us a link to your website. You can use the private reply option.


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