New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Blog infinite / AJAX scroll problem

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #50250
    Post count: 86

    Hi there.

    When I set blog element to infinite scroll / AJAX load, the first “page” of posts appear correctly, but then the posts start to appear over the footer (see screenshot). This behavior happened after the update to Dante 2.1. I’m using WordPress 3.8.

    I had to set the blog to “standard” mode to get it working properly. Here is the actual page with standard setting (working properly, I don’t want to bother my visitors with a non-working site):

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    I am getting a fatal error when i view the site
    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'fetch - <b>MySQL server has gone away</b><br>---<br> Query: select * from wp_revslider_settings' in /home/r918/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/r918/domains/ UniteFunctionsRev::throwError('fetch - <b>MySQ...', -1) #1 /home/r918/domains/ UniteDBRev->throwError('fetch - <b>MySQ...') #2 /home/r918/domains/ UniteDBRev->checkForErrors('fetch') #3 /home/r918/domains/ UniteDBRev->fetch('wp_revslider_se...') #4 /home/r918/domains/ RevSliderPara in /home/r918/domains/ on line 7


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