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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #32665
    Post count: 14


    In your flexform mini blog – the images appear to be a small size on the left of the blog and when you click on the blog it is a bigger image. When I try to do the same on mine, the image on the mini blog page is bigger then the actual image size and sits on top of the excerpt for the blog. When you click on the blog the image is almost 4 times as large as the actual image. Is there a reason why the image on the mini blog and the blog page would be so big?

    Attached is the image on the mini blog page. The actual image is only 150x150px’s but on the mini it’s displayed like 400×400 (just guessing on that last part).

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, could you show me your site live so I can check it out?

    Post count: 14

    Hi Melanie,

    I deleted the original blog page and recreated it. I played around with several of the options and unchecked Full Width Media Display and now it works great.

    Thanks for the help =)


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    OK, thanks for letting us know, closing as resolved ๐Ÿ™‚



    Cosmin – Support

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