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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #76636
    Post count: 137

    For blog posts listed on the main blog page, how do I delete all of the following elements?
    1) Number of comments and comment box
    2) Visible tags above the comments
    3) Heart and bubble with count above comments
    4) Posted by name and image next to each post
    5) Date and the heart and bubble images next to each post

    For each listed post on the front page I want it to be a thumbnail on the left with the post title, excerpt, and read more link all to the right of the image. (no date, author, or heart and bubble next to the image and no comments, comment count, or heart and bubble at the bottom of the page)

    A user’s manual for the blog settings in Flexform would be nice!

    Post count: 137

    Some progress!

    These worked for both the single posts and the front page (mini) posts.
    .author-avatar { display: none;}
    .comments-likes { display: none;}

    These worked for the single posts, but not the front page:
    .post-info .author-name { display: none;}
    .post-info .post-date { display: none;}
    .tags { display: none;}

    I haven’t found a way to delete the comment counter on single or front page posts.
    Additionally, I still need to delete comments, author name, post date, and tags on front page.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please could you provide me with a link so I can see what you have still showing? Then I can provide the css to hide it

    – Kyle

    Post count: 137

    Hi Kyle, this is just a test blog on the back of a single page site. This post link has the [blog] installed to mimic a home page.

    I am not sure why this post listing also shows in the content, but I assume it because it is not set as a home page on the site.

    My goal is to delete the author name, date, and then the comment counter at the bottom.

    Post count: 137

    Not sure what I did but I got the author name and date to go away. Now I just need to get rid of the comment counter and I’d like to change the color of the comment submit button.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I do not see the comment counter on your site, please can you screenshot what you are referring to?

    To change the color of the submit button add this custom css:

    article.type-post #respond .form-submit input#submit {
      background-color: #111111;
    article.type-post #respond .form-submit input#submit:hover {
      background-color: #444444;

    – Kyle

    Post count: 137

    Thanks for the code! Screen shot is attached. Actually, I’d like to get rid of the counter on the entire site and remove the comment box on the the front blog page.

    Post count: 137

    Oops! I had changed the link and that’s probably why you couldn’t see it. Likely it defaulted to the front page. Here’s the proper link:

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    To remove the comment counter add this custom css:

    #comments-list > h4 {
      display: none;

    To remove comments from a page all together you need to disable comments for that page, you do this by scrolling down to ‘discussion’ when editing a page

    – Kyle

    Post count: 137

    Thanks Kyle, that worked perfect for the comment counter. I don’t see “discussion” settings anywhere, how am I missing this? Also, what does the “Pagination” choice do?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    If you do not see discussion options, go to the top of your screen and click the ‘screen options’ tab and check the box for discussion 🙂

    Pagination means it will create pages for the rest of the posts, for e..g if you have set to show 5 posts on a page, and you have 10 posts, you will have 2 pages of posts

    – Kyle

    Post count: 137

    Duh! I feel pretty lame for not looking in the screen options. Thanks for that.

    Is there any way to control the “featured image” other than making it content width or full page? For example, is it possible to make the image 250px wide and position it to the right or left with text wrap? These are the normal image edits in WP, but they don’t seem to be available for featured images unless I am just missing it.

    It looks like adding php like this:

    and this plugin:

    Makes it possible to have more size choices, but still doesn’t seem to have a “text wrap” option.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, I’m afraid the featured image has some preset sizes, you’re not able to control them natively. You would need to add custom code.

    All the best

    Post count: 137

    Thanks Melanie (more featured image controls would be a great add for an theme update). Did the solution for adding the code and plugin in the links on my last reply look like a viable solution to you (at least as far as resizing goes)? Nobody seems to have a way to do text wrap on a featured image even if you use custom code to resize it.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, yeah the guide is correct. In case you’re looking for the correct place to add the sizes to, it’s in functions.php starting around line 90

    set_post_thumbnail_size( 220, 150, true);
    	add_image_size( 'widget-image', 94, 70, true);
    	add_image_size( 'thumb-image', 600, 450, true);
    	add_image_size( 'thumb-image-twocol', 900, 675, true);
    	add_image_size( 'thumb-image-onecol', 1280, 960, true);
    	add_image_size( 'blog-image', 1280, 9999);
    	add_image_size( 'full-width-image', 1280, 720, true);
    	add_image_size( 'full-width-image-gallery', 1280, 720, true);
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