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  • #57058
    Post count: 386


    I would like to format my blog with presets on:

    Is it possible to:

    1. I’m going to make a full width blog header rev slider that will be present on the blog page for all post as well as on each individual post. Can we make that automatic or does it have to be set manually to appear on each post? I’m thinking it’ll be a hassle posting from my cellphone.

    2. On the page of each individual post: I don’t want the featured image to be automatically full width. Could it be set by default to 2/3 column like the rest of the images beside my 1/3 sidebar?

    3. I’m not going to use the page title in the top for h1:s. Instead, I would like to start each post with a default h1: centered, 30 px 50 line-height followed by some h2:s set to centered, 20 px and 50 line-height. Do I need a special class for this blog setting, as I don’t want them to change the rest of the site? I really would appreciate not having to style this manually every time I post.

    4. Can all blog images + videos be centered and padded with a default 15 px in top and bottom?

    Thanx for all great help. I love this theme and I’m determined to make my site awesome.



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Unfortunately this is not possible by default and is beyond the scope of cutomization that we can support for. You will probably need to hire a developer to help you with this.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 386

    Is it not even possible to make the featured image 2/3 columns?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You could make it smaller but it will not push the sidebar up (see screenshot)

    – Kyle

    Post count: 386

    Hmm…that sucks because when the coming header is inlcluded on top, it’s gonna look bad. The only way to have an image show up in the list of all blog posts is to set it as “Featured image”, right? Because I want an image in the list of post….or can I have it set up so that the list of blog posts show each post opened up completely from start?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You can either:

    1) Not upload a featured image, but add a thumbnail image in the options for the page.

    2) Upload a featured image, but set the media display to ‘none’

    Hope this helps

    – Kyle

    Post count: 386

    Cool! That works for me!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Great! 🙂

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