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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #195750
    Post count: 5

    Howdy! Awesome theme! Absolutely love it!

    Had a problem randomly appear and can’t seem to fix it…my blog page wont display. The sidebar and footer don’t display either. All other pages on the site display fine. I tried creating a brand new page with a blog and it still doesn’t work. Updated the theme and updated WordPress and disabled plugins to no avail. Appreciate your assistance!


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please open your wp-config.php file and set WP_Debug to TRUE so that I can check for errors

    – Kyle

    Post count: 5

    I set the wp_debug to true.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Your accent color wasn’t defined, I already set it to #fff
    It seems that your server is running out of memory in the blog page. You need to adjust/add you WordPress memory settings inside the wp-config.php file

    Change your WordPress memory to 128M or a maximum 256M.

    Also check the official documentation from WordPress in the link below.

    Let us know if it worked.


    Post count: 5


    You Rock! I tried increasing the memory in the wp-config, but it didn’t take, so I put in the php.ini and it worked! Thanks so much for figuring out the issue! I am so relieved to have the issue fixed because we are launching the site tomorrow!

    A few questions for you:

    1) The other pages appear more intense than the blog, so why is the blog taking so much memory?

    2) What tool did you use to figure out that it was a memory issue?

    3) Regarding the accent color, I found that if I set the accent color to nothing it allows for me to have more flexibility on my CSS. If the accent color MUST be set it would be helpful to have an option for a transparent color. I did actually unset the color and the blog page still worked just fine, so it is probably a non-issue.

    Again, thank you for your work on the issue!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    We are glad that your issue resolved.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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