New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Blank admin page on updating

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #81160
    Post count: 10


    almost every time I update a page/post or some options, I get a blank page and have to start from the main admin page. The changes made before clicking the update button are applied.

    This issue does not happen with a different template, it only happens with Dante.

    What can be the problem?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Have you edited any of the theme files?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Well, yes, although in the Child theme folder.

    Following your suggestion I have spotted the file that is causing my problem: it is a custom functions.php inside my child theme folder.

    The content is just

    	if (!function_exists('sf_custom_content')) {

    Since I needed a small modification to sf-header.php

    Is there a way to retain my modification while getting rid of the blank page issue?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Not sure if this will work but try this:

    if (!function_exists('sf_custom_content')) {
    function sf_custom_content() {
    require_once(SF_INCLUDES_PATH . '/sf-header.php');
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'sf_custom_content', 0);

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Hi Kyle, thanks for your help, but unfortunately it does not work…

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    what part of the sd-header.php did you edit? You will just need to add the function to the child theme, rather than replacing the whole file

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    More than editing the file, what I had to do was only adding one link.

    In line 230 I changed
    $header_output .= '<div class="row">. "\n";


    			$header_output .= '<div class="row"><a href="#" class="bonfire-slideout-button">MENU</a>'. "\n";

    Do you know of any other way to do the same modification?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You need to copy the whole function into your child theme functions.php file, so:

    /* HEADER
    	================================================== */ 
    	if (!function_exists('sf_header')) {
    		function sf_header($header_layout) {
    			// VARIABLES
    			$options = get_option('sf_dante_options');
    			$show_cart = $options['show_cart'];
    			$show_wishlist = $options['show_wishlist'];
    			$header_left_text = __($options['header_left_text'], 'swiftframework');
    			$header_output = $main_menu = '';
    			if ($header_layout == "header-1") {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-left col-sm-4">'.do_shortcode($header_left_text).'</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('col-sm-4 logo-center');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right col-sm-4">'.sf_aux_links('header-menu', TRUE, "header-1").'</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div id="main-nav" class="sticky-header">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'full');
    			$header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    			} else if ($header_layout == "header-2") {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('col-sm-4 logo-left');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right col-sm-8">'.sf_aux_links('header-menu', FALSE, "header-1").'</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div id="main-nav" class="sticky-header">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'full');
    			$header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    			} else if ($header_layout == "header-3") {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container header-container sticky-header">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('logo-left');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right">';
    			$header_output .= sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'with-search');
    			$header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			} else if ($header_layout == "header-4") {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_top_header();
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container header-container sticky-header">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('logo-left');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right">';
    			$header_output .= sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'with-search');
    			$header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			} else if ($header_layout == "header-5") {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container sticky-header">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('logo-left');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right">';
    			$header_output .= sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'with-search');
    			$header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			} else if ($header_layout == "header-6") {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="sticky-header clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('logo-left');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right">'.sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'with-search').'</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			} else {
    			$header_output .= '<header id="header" class="clearfix">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_top_header();
    			$header_output .= '<div class="sticky-header">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="container header-container">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '<div class="row">'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= sf_logo('logo-left');
    			$header_output .= '<div class="header-right">'.sf_main_menu('main-navigation', 'with-search').'</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .row -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div> <!-- CLOSE .container -->'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</div>'. "\n";
    			$header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    			return $header_output;

    But with your change made

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Thanks again Kyle. I have made the change, but still with no luck. The problem is still there…

    Maybe I have no other option than to modify the main sf-header file, uncheck the automatic theme updates and apply the modification each time I update the theme…

    It appears strange to me that I am having this blank page problem only with the backend. The website is ok.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Please let me know if it works when you add it to the parent theme file

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Yes, it works.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok great! 🙂

    – Kyle

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