New Landing How can we help? Atelier Better filtering

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #182117
    Post count: 13


    I have a request: Better filtering for mobile.
    This is really a WooCommerce UX issue, but it can be solves within a theme.

    When using mobile and using filters, woocommerce reloads the page for every filter action. The best way to filter would be to let the user set multiple filter options, and then have a apply button to send in all the options.

    I think Atelier is on it’s way to better filtering on mobile with the filter button, and this would be a great add-on.

    A good example of how this can be done is

    Anything you could take a look at?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I don’t believe it’s currently possible, as for that method it would have to use checkboxes for the filters, where as currently they are just links. Therefore once clicked they load the link. WooCommerce would have to change the filters to checkboxes for us to be able to apply your functionality

    – Kyle

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