New Landing How can we help? Atelier Available with backorder, but not in stock

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #293332
    Post count: 116


    I have some products which are not in stock, but available via backorder.
    But when this combination is made:
    “Available with backorder” and “Not in stock”, it is not possible to order the product.
    For example:
    I would like that people can buy the product but know they have to wait because they backorder the product.

    I don’t want to change the stock status to “in stock” because when I do this, these products will also be in sales channels like Google Shopping, and we don’t that. Because, they are not in stock 🙂

    Is there a way to make it possible that people can place backorders for products that are not in stock?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Gerjan,

    Not by default no, you would either need to use a plugin to provide that functionality or hire a developer to build this functionality for you.


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