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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #138694
    Post count: 1


    I have one pager-site. So my goal is just + pages. There is no any need to create multisite. Just droplist with list of languages (each laungage is a simple url to concrete page)

    How can I edit this block to add my urls to it? I can’t find it.

    Thank you.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Which block? Are you referring to the language dropdown? If so you can only use WPML with that

    – Kyle

    Post count: 4

    Hi Artem,

    As Kyle said this theme is adapted for WPML plugin and works very good with it. If you will install / activate this plugin and enable “Aux links” switch in the admin section, you will get this language automatically.

    But of course you can just create 2 web pages for different languages but which have the same content. But in this case you need to add a dropdown manually. You can copy a source code from the Joyn’s demo or hire someone to do this for you.

    Hope it will be helpful for you 🙂

    Best regards,

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    yes that’s correct, thanks @NektoDesigner

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