New Landing How can we help? Atelier Atelier WPML Woocommerce Product Page shifted display

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #314298
    Post count: 3

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

    I have a problem after I have set up the WPML plugin.
    My basic language is German. The second language (Translation) is English.
    The set-up was carried out according to the specification of WPML.
    If I click on the translated product “English” in the shop, then the content on the PC is moved to the right, on the IPAD the content is completely invisible and visible on the iphone normally.

    Can you tell me what I do wrong in setting up?

    I was unable to delete the 4 atachments. So i had to send you 4 Files with the same content.
    Sorry for that.

    With kind regards

    Oliver Zirkelbach

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Oliver,

    If you enable Twenty16, does the single product for both languages show correctly?


    Post count: 3


    I switched the theme to Twenty16 and here is the product is vissible.

    I added some scrennshots.

    When i change back to the Atelier it is the same old.


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please contact WPML support and report this issue: They will investigate this and report back the conflict to us to fix, we work very closely with them to resolve these conflicts.


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