New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions Atelier – defect in row color

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  • #283121
    Post count: 271

    Into main page > swift page builder > Add a row > change the background color.

    when you try a couple of time to change the row background color, the first is working the second time no.

    I did :

    -BG First color change (ex F0F0F0) > I dont like it.
    -Change bg color (ex F1F1F1).
    -Apply > no change.
    -Change Row Style.
    -Apply again.
    -It works.

    Strange. Hope it’s helpful for you

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Thanks for the heads up. We will give it a try to replicate the situation.


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