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  • #94069
    Post count: 35


    I am in need of editing the cart link (lock and amount ) in the header.
    I would like to replace both the lock and the amount shown with the word ‘Enquiry’ and for it to sit away from the navigation (underneath – aligned/floating right) as we have quite a large amount of pages in the navigation as it is already.
    I am using header 4.

    I have got as far as getting rid of/hiding the lock and the amount and replacing it with the word Enquiry using css :before. I have tried to amend and move this to the end of the navigation by editing sf-header in my child theme but this has not worked.

    This wants to work well across both desktop and mobile.
    So having some css to line it up nicely on mobile would be great too, if possible. Though I should be able to sort this myself.

    Also a second thing. The logo drops in size when on mobile. I resized in css so that it wouldn’t appear as 100% but now it appears much much smaller as if the div it is in has been told somewhere else to be smaller and float left. I need this to be central and logo about 80% would be great to match tablet view.

    Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
    Many Thanks

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I am not agree to this type of customization. First insert Price Enquiry after removing cart icon and cart total at two files sf-header.php and sf-woocommerce.php /includes/swift-framework/ and let me know your feedback. After this i will check further.
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 35
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    Post count: 35

    Hi, I even just tried temporarily overwriting the main theme files for sf-header and sf-woocommerce.

    I replaced all instances of <i class=”sf-cart”></i> with <span>Price Enquiry</span> in those two files. The result I got was that on page load/refresh after emptying the cache that the words Price Enquiry did show up but just for half a second, then the disappeared.

    On inspecting of the site again, it is still showing the <i class=”sf-cart”></i> in the theme code..

    Is there a third place within the file structure that this appears…?

    the site address is


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You have to make the changes in this 2 files.




    Post count: 35

    Hi Rui,

    I have indeed changed both files, using Dreamweaver and finding the icon and replacing it. ( I have done tis both as just words and within a span with a class )

    Placing both files in my child theme – following the same folder paths.

    But this still doesn’t work, I am still getting just the icon…

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I’m not seeing the icon cart anymore.

    Not sure if you made any other change, try to clear the browser cache just in case.


    Post count: 35

    Hi Rui,

    Yes. You won’t see it as Ive done a work around. Hiding the icon and instead dropping in content:”ENQUIRY” on some :before css. If you inspect the nab you will see what I did.

    I still don’t know why my child theme file isn’t working and over riding the main theme file though..

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    What functions did you changed? Depending on that you maybe only have to paste the change functions inside the functions.php of the child theme.


    Post count: 35


    I haven’t changed any functions to do with this..

    I have solved this for now with the :before css.
    But one thing I would like to change is the position on tablet and mobile.

    As there are two different navigations – one for desktop and one for tablet/mobile.

    Please see

    As you will see I have changed the position of the search and the cart (ENQUIRY) so that the search sits on the far right.
    I need to achieve the same on tablet and mobile but am finding it difficult because of the way it is setup. Can you advise on how best I can get the search to sit on the far right?

    MENU ENQUIRY (search icon)

    Many Thanks

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    In that situation you should switch the position inside the code, there is no css that can help us in that situation.

    Find this in sf-header.php

    if ($woocommerce && $show_cart) {
    	$logo_output .= '<a href="'.$woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url().'" class="hidden-desktop mobile-cart-link"><i class="sf-cart"></i></a>'. "\n";
    if (!$disable_search) {
    	$logo_output .= '<a href="#" class="hidden-desktop mobile-search-link"><i class="fa-search"></i></a>'. "\n";

    and replace by this one

    if (!$disable_search) {
    	$logo_output .= '<a href="#" class="hidden-desktop mobile-search-link"><i class="fa-search"></i></a>'. "\n";
    if ($woocommerce && $show_cart) {
    	$logo_output .= '<a href="'.$woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url().'" class="hidden-desktop mobile-cart-link"><i class="sf-cart"></i></a>'. "\n";

    Hope it helps.


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