New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Amend button text on cart sidebar widget and header dropdown

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  • #94078
    Post count: 35


    I am struggling to amend the text for the ‘view cart’ and ‘checkout’ buttons on the cart widget. I know this is woocommerce but I was hoping you might know how to change them.

    I have tried amending / overriding the language files but this did not work, I have tried looking for snippets to put in my functions file but not found anything.

    I need to change the buttons from ‘view cart’ to ‘View Price Enquiry’ and from ‘checkout’ to ‘Submit Price Enquiry’.

    I need to change the text for the cart drop down when hovering on the cart in the header.
    Instead of saying ‘shopping bag’ I need it to say ‘Price Enquiry’. Instead of saying ‘view shopping bag’ I need it to say ‘View Price Enquiry’ and instead of ‘proceed to checkout’ I need it to say ‘Submit Price Enquiry’.

    Can you explain how I can make that happen either with some child theme file amends, snippets to go into the functions file or by another means.

    Many Thanks

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You can use the theme translation files.
    Check this guideline

    The only difference is that you don’t need to create new files since the language that you are using is already the english. So download the english files from the languages folder, edit with poedit Program and save. Copy those 2 changed files to the languages folder in the server.

    – Rui

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