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  • #81193
    Post count: 102

    Hello again,

    I’d like to add a box with text above my products when I choose a specific product category page or brand page. How do I do this?

    What I have done is I’ve created categories in WooCommerce. I’ve then added products to said categories. I’ve copied the url from the specific category page to the main menu bar.

    As for the sidebar I’m using WooCommerce sidebar in the widget menu and added: WooCommerce Product Search, WooCommerce Product Categories and WooCommerce Layered Nav.

    Seeing as these pages are not “normal pages” that I can edit freely, I don’t really know how to put in more information to them?

    Best regards

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, as you assumed, you cannot add information to the category pages. What you can do however, is taking the product shortcode that comes with the theme and placing it on a page where you can easily add a text element above said product shortcode.
    That way you can have total control over your content.

    Let me know if that helped!

    Post count: 102

    Thanks for the reply Melanie, but I’m afraid I don’t understand.

    I’ve added a screenshot, everything is pretty much where I want it. It’s just that I want some info above the products.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, you cannot do that as the product category page relies on a php file that does not allow custom content to be added besides the dynamically generated loop of products.

    Have you tried the solution via a regular Page and the product shortcode?

    Post count: 102

    No I don’t know what you’re talking about :-/

    I’ve created a blank page and chose that as the shop page in WooCommerce, wich got all my products at one place of course. I tried adding pages, but that didn’t work. And Kyle told me to add links to the categories instead.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    can you go to wp-admin > Pages > Add New and look for the Products Element in the Swift Page Builder?
    You can add that to your page to display products as well, which would allow you to add any element above or below that.


    Post count: 102

    That seems to work Melanie, I’ll work a bit more with it at a later time. I guess you just put in a 0 in the field where you chose how many products to show if you want them all to show?

    Thanks for your help!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Leave it blank to show all products ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Kyle

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Glad to hear we could help!
    Let us know if you need anything else!

    Post count: 102

    Thanks to you wonderful people I now got it all replaced the way I wanted it to! See the attached picture. Thanks alot! (note that the color scheme is just a placeholder ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    Now to the second part. I want to do the exact same thing to the brand pages. Giving me the option to write a little summary about the brands. Is this possible?

    I’ve been using attributes for brands, as instructed by Kyle. I’ve got the WooCommerce Layered Nav in my sidebar giving me the ability to quickly jump between brands in a dropdown menu.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid attributes are just filters, so it’s the same page but filtered down to show only brands. Therefore you can not add content for just when one brand is selected

    – Kyle

    Post count: 102

    Hi Kyle,

    Is there any other way to set up brand filters to make this possible?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I’m afraid not sorry

    – Kyle

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