New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood "Add to shopping bag" button disappears when using variable product

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  • #33227
    Post count: 3

    I’m using Variable products in my store to sell tee shirts with the only variation being sizing. If I add a simple product with a price, the “+ Add to shopping bag” button appears just fine; however, when I make the product variable and link all the size variations, I know longer see the “+ Add to shopping bag” button anymore, even after I select a size in the dropdown. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

    My store can be viewed here:, the first tee (Boss) is a variable product as well as the last tee (Wifey), while all the rest our currently simple products with no size options. You’ll see the one with size options don’t provide the user the ability to add them to the cart.

    Post count: 15

    Same problem here – this theme isn’t as good as the sales make it out and the support is really…bad

    Post count: 3

    Thanks for the quick reply! That is not great to hear at all, do you know of any work-arounds or ways to get around this? Size is the only variation that I use and the client has already selected this theme and wants to go forward with it. Thanks!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi Invex, can you check this thread out and see if that helps?

    Let me know 🙂
    This user is not part of the support team so I recommend ignoring its useless statements, don’t worry, we’re here for you and will fix your issue!

    uaesthetics refrain from bashing the theme and support. If you want us to keep a positive and helpful attitude towards you I’d kindly recommend to not bite the hand that feeds you. The theme and (free!) support is fantastic and we always do our best to help everyone.

    All the best.

    Post count: 10

    Hello I have the same issue and Topic you indicate don’t help me… I just need the “add to shopping bag” button always present, even for variable product. Could you help?


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, if you set a default value for the variations you will have the button always visible:

    We have that in our demo e.g.

    Post count: 3

    Thanks for the feedback Melanie. I was on vacation so sorry for the delayed response. I looked at the thread you sent over and couldn’t find those lines of JavaScript in my functions.js file. I’m getting the 406 JS errors though that are mentioned in the thread so I’m working with my host to resolve that issue. Is there any way around that in the meantime?

    Post count: 3

    If you’re having this issue and it relates to a 406 error from the JS files, this fixed the issue for me:

    You can do this without having to mess with mod_security and you’re all set. Hope that helps!

    Post count: 13

    I updated my theme to the latest version, looked through my function.js file for the lines of code and set a default size for my variable product and still, the option to “Add to shopping bag” fails to appear, only “Select Option”.

    I would like to know if their is a concrete fix for this.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    can you open a new thread for your issue so you can post sour login details privately?

    All the best

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