New Landing How can we help? General Forum Help Add to cart button to be visible even without choosing variables

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  • #46734
    Post count: 5

    Hi there,

    I need some help on the “Add to cart” button to be visible on every product page as this is quite
    important on the user experience while shopping.

    I searched and read on one of the posts that it is not possible for the “Add to cart” button to be visible because a variable needs to be selected in order for the “Add to cart” button to appear.

    I am currently using woocommerce on another theme and the “Add to cart” button appears even when the variable is not selected.

    The theme will need to force a default variable to be selected in the first place. For example,when the user lands on the product page, Size S is chosen by default even though there are other sizes available to choose from. This way, the “Add to cart” button will be visible to the end user.

    Will this function be possible for the next theme updates or is there any .php files to edit?

    Please advise.

    Post count: 5

    ok I think I managed to fix this!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Great job! 🙂

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