New Landing How can we help? Atelier Add to cart button – question

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #183798
    Post count: 195


    I have noticed that some of my visitors are actually looking for the “add to cart” button on a product because they don’t know they have to select a color first. And i’m loosing them.. A few actually ask on live chat, “where is the add to cart button?”… and maybe feel slightly ashamed when they realize “oh it was
    that simple” (i can tell, they exit the live chat quick ;)… But anyways, is there a way to somehow point out/notice to select color in a nice way?
    Please advise. Thanks

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Try adding this to your custom css:

    .variations_form .single_variation_wrap {
      display: block!important;

    – Kyle

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