New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Clique Add RedBubble Social icon to Social Profiles Section

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  • Posted in: Clique
  • #277956
    Post count: 5


    I see plenty of posts about adding social icons to the footer, as I am not using most of them, I have modified the footer.php and have got myself out of the woods there.

    Where I am failing is locating where the social icons are for the “Social Profiles” section of the theme. I wish to add RedBubble to the Social profiles and my intention is to overwrite one such as Pinterest.

    Can you please advise in which file I will find the function to change the URL and where the social icons are located for me to overwrite? I see under themes\clique\images there is social-icons.png and it has a row of them. I am unsure if that is the file that the Social Profiles section is pulling from though.


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Just edit the shortcodes.php file at /clique/includes/.

    Post count: 5

    Thanks Mohammad,

    So I replaced dribbble with redbubble by doing a replace on “dribbble” and throwing in redbubble and then modified the URL:

    if ($redbubble) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="redbubble"><a href="'.$redbubble.'" target="_blank">redbubble</a></li>';

    Then went into Theme Options –> Social Profiles and entered the redbubble username under “dribbble” section.

    Then I headed to the contact page to see if at least the dribbble icon is showing, which it isn’t.

    I guess what I am most confused about is how does shortcodes.php call the coordinates (I guess) of the [email protected] (I’m also guessing) file?


    Here is a paste of the social section of shortcodes.

    	================================================= */
    	function social_icons($atts, $content = null) {
    		   "type" => '',
    		   "size" => ''
    		), $atts));
    		global $data;
    		$twitter = $data['sf_clique_twitter_username'];
    		$facebook = $data['sf_clique_facebook_page_url'];
    		$redbubble = $data['sf_clique_redbubble_username'];
    		$vimeo = $data['sf_clique_vimeo_username'];
    		$tumblr = $data['sf_clique_tumblr_username'];
    		$spotify = $data['sf_clique_spotify_username'];
    		$skype = $data['sf_clique_skype_username'];
    		$linkedin = $data['sf_clique_linkedin_page_url'];
    		$lastfm = $data['sf_clique_lastfm_username'];
    		$googleplus = $data['sf_clique_googleplus_page_url'];
    		$flickr = $data['sf_clique_flickr_page_url'];
    		$youtube = $data['sf_clique_youtube_username'];
    		$behance = $data['sf_clique_behance_username'];
    		$pinterest = $data['sf_clique_pinterest_username'];
    		$instagram = $data['sf_clique_instagram_url'];
    		$yelp = $data['sf_clique_yelp_url'];
    		$social_icons = '';
    		if ($type == '') {
    			if ($twitter) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="twitter"><a href="'.$twitter.'" target="_blank">Twitter</a></li>';
    			if ($facebook) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="facebook"><a href="'.$facebook.'" target="_blank">Facebook</a></li>';
    			if ($redbubble) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="redbubble"><a href="'.$redbubble.'" target="_blank">redbubble</a></li>';
    			if ($vimeo) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="vimeo"><a href="'.$vimeo.'" target="_blank">Vimeo</a></li>';
    			if ($tumblr) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="tumblr"><a href="http://'.$tumblr.'" target="_blank">Tumblr</a></li>';
    			if ($spotify) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="spotify"><a href="'.$spotify.'" target="_blank">Spotify</a></li>';
    			if ($skype) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="skype"><a href="skype:'.$skype.'" target="_blank">Skype</a></li>';
    			if ($linkedin) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="linkedin"><a href="'.$linkedin.'" target="_blank">LinkedIn</a></li>';
    			if ($lastfm) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="lastfm"><a href="'.$lastfm.'" target="_blank"></a></li>';
    			if ($googleplus) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="googleplus"><a href="'.$googleplus.'" target="_blank">Google+</a></li>';
    			if ($flickr) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="flickr"><a href="'.$flickr.'" target="_blank">Flickr</a></li>';
    			if ($youtube) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="youtube"><a href="'.$youtube.'" target="_blank">YouTube</a></li>';
    			if ($behance) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="behance"><a href="'.$behance.'" target="_blank">Behance</a></li>';
    			if ($pinterest) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="pinterest"><a href="'.$pinterest.'/" target="_blank">Pinterest</a></li>';
    			if ($instagram) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="instagram"><a href="'.$instagram.'" target="_blank">Instagram</a></li>';
    			if ($yelp) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="yelp"><a href="'.$yelp.'/" target="_blank">Yelp</a></li>';
    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Keep the code of dribbble and just change the icon of dribbble with RedBubble.

    Post count: 5

    Thanks Mohammad,

    And am I right in saying that the social-icons-*.png files are what is being referenced? If so, can I ask how you guys reference the coordinates of the image? This interests me how you did this 🙂


    Post count: 5

    Thanks for the help Mohammad.

    I have done it.

    In the off chance that somebody wants to do this; attached is the artwork with Redbubble and the code… below

    			if ($dribbble) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="dribbble"><a href="'.$dribbble.'" target="_blank">Dribbble</a></li>';
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Thanks Mohammad & great for sharing the info @wt9bind!

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