New Landing How can we help? Atelier Add Product to Page or Toggle _ Problems

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #173018
    Post count: 13


    please, I would like to add a variable product page (product_page id=”99″) to a page and to a toggle, but some problems are occurring. If you add it to a page, the product “Share” loses its own line, and the “Quantity arrow” points to the top of the page. If you add it to a toggle, the same plus the absence of the image.

    It can be seen here in a portfolio page (please select a variation to note the problems):

    Can anything be done to prevent these problems?

    Thanks so much,

    Post count: 13

    PS: I tried also to add a product (not a product page) but, in this case, it shows nothing but an empty space. Thanks

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Sorry but it is not intended to use the single product shortcode within another page etc. I recommend forwarding the user to the actual product page

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13


    Thanks again for your prompt answer.

    This is my main question. As what I sell are prints, my portfolio elements are my store elements, and so, I would like to place things together.

    One more question please. Is it possible to move, in the product page, the editable content from below to above the product informations itself (name, price, etc.)?

    Thanks so much,

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    You can create you prints as products instead of portfolio items and in use the Swift Page builder in to add more content to the product page.

    About the question to move content, can you provide a mockup image so we can see exactly what do you mean?



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