New Landing › How can we help? › Cardinal › Accordion Deeplinking
Ok Thanks. Let us know.
No problem. Send us the link when you have it. We will include these changes in the next update.
Hi Rui,
I´m looking for the same thing as “Sotiris” was. Trying to add deeplinks to the accordion. I managed to set “wp-anchors” now I just would need the accordion-tab to pop open on-click.
Could you please give me an advice or assistance?
Many thanks,
Hi @adfellas,
We will release an Cardinal update with those changes during this weekend or in the beginning of next week.
Uhhh, Rui, sorry – didn´t see this is the support for “Cardinal”. I´m looking for the same thing, but for “Flexform”.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks – Daniel
Hi Daniel,
That’s a big difference, not sure if those functionality will be implement in Flexform. Will forward your suggestion to the development team.
Wonderful – thank you. Have a great weekend 😉
No problem. Thanks. Have nice weekend -Rui
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