I am using the latest version and always update as soon as I receive the notification from Envato or through WordPress. However, I am talking about Accordion and not Tabs. Is deeplinking working for Accordion too?
When using Tabs I copy and paste the hash link to the browser bar and the corresponding tab is active after page load. With accordion there does not seem to be support for deeplinking since there is no hash tag to be copied (i.e. there is only the # symbol without the section title).
As I said it is quite important to me and the alternative solution is doing it by hand through using a JS plugin and inserting it vie the Row HTML element. But then since I have nested multiple Tables & Shortocdes in my Accordions it is very inconvenient and time consuming to do it by hand without visual editing.
My guess is that support for deeplinking in Accordion is very similar to the Tabs so it should not be hard to implement that there too in the next update.
Nevertheless letting me know if it can make it to this months update would be greatly appreciated.