New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Theme Support Cardinal – Feature Request A "Theme Options" Screen More Organized and Polished

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  • #100485

    Cardinal is, maybe, the best and truly “Multi-Purpose” theme so far in ThemeForest and I’m very proud of buying it. But the “Theme Options” screen needs a better organization and visual polishment for new and amateur users who needs just “Turn On and Turn Off” stuff.

    Maybe merge sections like “Maintenance” + “404”, “Colour Options” + “Colour Schemes”, “Font Control” + “Font Options” and things like that. More clear labels too, like “Single Post Options” instead of “Default Meta Options” would help a lot.

    Oh… and a link with Envato for auto-update will be awesome!

    Please, consider this! Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Thanks for the request, however we’re pretty happy with the structure of the options in Cardinal, we’ve made it so that certain options only show if another option is selected (basically conditional fields) making it easy for the user to set only options they need, however I do agree we could group some things together better.



    You guys can keep the conditional structure. I like it too! In fact I’m talking about organize, simplify and just polish what’s already good. Maybe if you guys create more conditional groups, it will be even better.

    I believe would be easier if the user sees the Options in the sequence of the main areas and functions of the theme: Main, Header, Home, Pages, Single Posts, CPTs, Archives, WooCommerce, Performance and stuff like that. So people can configure everything more easily and organically.

    “Cardinal” is great, with a lot of functions, if theres some way of make the basic configuration more quickly, it will be helpful. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem, thanks for the feedback

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