New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante A lot of small things // Top Nav Menu, Link Colour in Posts, RSS, Timestamp

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #53452
    Post count: 40

    Hi, I have another few problems with Dante. My website:

    1) The Top nav menu looks wired on ipad, because there is a linebreak in it (see mobiel menu big screen).
    How is it possible to use the mobile menu for smaller devices (e.g. using a mobile phone there is another menu used -> see mobile screen) for this screen size as well?

    2) How can I delet the “super search icon” from this mobile menu?

    3) How can I choose a new Icon or text for the mobile menu (I think this is not intuitive to use)

    4) There is no colour for links (without hover) set. So if I insert a text link in a blog post, you’re not able to see that it is a link (only while hovering with the mouse). How can I define a link colour only for blog posts (if I change the link colour globally, all links e.g. in the sidebar gets colourd as well).

    5) How can I reduce the margin top between thumbnail picture and the blog post headline at the home screen? (see spacing home screen)

    6) How can I insert an rss feed symbol in the top bar nav?

    7) Something goes wrong with the time stamp using the widget “SWIFT recent comments”, a comment from today will be shown as “44 years ago”. The comments at the bottom screen are shown correctly. (see timestamp screen)

    THX Siem

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    1) The mobile menu is used on iPad but not for the top nav. You would need to add custom css the make the links inline on an iPad.

    2) What search do you want to remove? The one that it in the slide out menu? If so add this custom css:

    .mobile-search-form {
      display: none;

    3) You would need to edit line 313 in sf-header.php found in the includes folder:

    $logo_output .= '<a href="#" class="visible-sm visible-xs mobile-menu-show"><i class="ss-rows"></i></a>'. "\n";

    You would need to edit the ‘ss-rows’ to the icon you want to use. Classes can be found at:

    4) The colour for links is set in the color customiser.

    5) Add this custom css:

    .masonry-item-wrap .details-wrap {
      padding-top: 0!important;

    6) This is not supported, you could maybe add a custom link menu item and add the rss icon in the icon field.

    7) I will report this to the developer as this is the second time I have seen this now.

    Hope all of this helps!

    – Kyle

    Post count: 40

    Hi Kyle,

    thx for answers.
    1) So it is not easily possible to remove top nav menu for ipad screens?

    4) The colour customizer is not working in this case because if I change the colour for links in body, the colour for links in posts are changed but ALSO for the sidbar. The link colour should not change in the sidebar. How is that possible?

    6) ok – but on which url can I retriev the rss feed from our blog? (blogfeed=rss2 is set in settings, but I cannot open

    7) thx

    Best Siem

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    1) So you want to remove it? You can add this css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) {
    .top-menu {
      display: none;

    4) If you want to color links differently you will have to do it will css

    6) Have a read of this:

    7) It turns out this is likely to be caused by something server side, or a plugin. Try deactivating all of your plugins and check if it still shows 44 years.

    – Kyle

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