New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante A few styling issues – Some direction/tips required please

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #147141
    Post count: 23

    Hi guys,

    As always, thanks in advance for your time on this.

    I have a few questions whilst we’re doing a redesign of our page. (Note: currently its a private page so not visible to general public). I’ve attached a JPG of the design that we’re looking to replicate in the theme, with numbered identifiers.

    1: How do we create a custom button style and call it in (Including colours, shape, image etc, I’m thinking a green arrow button with text on top of it.)

    2: How do i install a custom font pack to use across the site? I’ve purchased Festivo fonts and wish to use that for headers etc.

    3: How do we resize the footer bars, i’m looking to have the bottom two differing sizes, e.g. Copyright bar 50px, Footer bar 150px).

    4: In Swiftpage builder, can we stack text over an image, e.g. customise the text that is ontop of an image?

    5: Lastly how do we lose the header padding, there seems to be quite a bit of space under the logo bar and before content beginning, this is most apparent on pages with no page header selected.

    I really hope the above makes sense, please say if not and I can explain further.

    Best regards,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) You would need to either edit the sf-buttons using custom css, or create a new class for a link and style the button yourself. This sort of customisation is down to your own knowledge and responsibility

    2) Please see:

    3) Add this to your custom css:

    #copyright {
      padding: 45px 0;
    #footer {
      padding: 60px 0 30px;

    4) Not like you have it in your screenshot, again, this is possible but it would require a lot of customisation. Which is beyond our scope of support. You should hire a developer to help you achieve this

    5) You mean the space below the header? In the page meta options you can ‘Remove Top Spacing’

    – Kyle

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