New Landing How can we help? Cardinal A Few Quick Questions

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #165433
    Post count: 5

    Hey Guys! A few quick questions about the Cardinal theme:

    1) is there a way to have a different background (or no background) on mobile than on desktop? We have a huge image in the background on desktop and it takes forever to load on mobile.

    2) is there a way to have a color header on portfolio items or other pages while the main header is transparent?

    Thanks guys!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    1) In the page builder elements you have some visibility settings that you can change to be visible only in Desktop and tablet. Then duplicate that same asset, remove the background and change the visibility options to only show in Mobile.

    2) Can you provide an image with a mockup of what you want to achieve?


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