New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform A few questions; Sliders, Images and Navigation

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #81041

    Hello, I purchased the Flexform theme yesterday and I am putting together a lifestyle/blog website. I have a few questions:

    1. Where do you input the custom CSS? Is it general options > Custom CSS? Or Misc Options > Extra Page Class? Do they differ from each other in any way? Is there a directory of custom CSS? (if not, that would be extremely helpful)

    2. Can I resize the swift sliders (e.g. alter height without affecting image (background either side?)) and place at any place on the page?

    3. Can I put swift sliders wherever I want on a page or a post? E.g. align right of a wall of text. Is this a ‘revolution slider’ idea? Can you wrap text around a slider/revolution slider? For example, put a slider aligned right of this text.

    4. How can I remove the right sidebar completely? I still have a blank space on the right of my ‘All Posts’ and category sections of menu.

    5. Is there a way I can simply add an image to a post add categories, and publish it and have it show up in all posts and relevant categories, without having to set a featured image? Also, in the all posts, how can I get rid of the hover animation for that specific picture? Also, is there anyway to remove the ‘Read more’ on a per post basis?

    6. How can I remove the navigation line that appears under the menu? (‘site’>blog>post)

    7. How to change Link Text colour and the hover colour within posts?

    Thanks in advance for any replies and advice!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    Custom CSS would go to the option that’s called Custom CSS; So custom css = custom css option would make more sense than custom css = custom page class.

    2/3 you can have the best control over sliders by using the revolution slider, which lets you do all of what you asked.

    4 for pages you create you can use the fullwidth page option

    5.1 no you always need to add a featured image. Images from posts will not be pulled as a featured image.

    5.2/5.3/6/7 you can do that with custom css. If you need us to help you with that we need your website URL, pointed to the exact page you wish to have the changes on.


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